Funny Inspirational Quotes for College Students

Funny Inspirational Quotes for College Students

Funny Inspirational Quotes for College Students: Being a college student isn’t an easy job. You have to juggle a lot of different aspects, from going to classes to maintaining good grades, working at a part-time job, and trying to have a social life. College can also be extremely stressful because you may feel you weigh the world on your shoulders.

It is a lot easier to succeed when you have a little motivation encouraging you. Whether that means some kind words from friends, family, or some sarcastic inspirational quotes from the internet, it doesn’t matter as long as it helps you out of those bottomless pit moments.

Every college student has faced some challenging times. Everyone goes through the highs and lows, successes and failures. An excellent inspirational quote can help you become more confident, motivate you to carry on and face your challenges.

Funny Inspirational Quotes for College Students

1. College is where you go to get more coffee, not sleep.

2. Laundry is the only thing in life you shouldn’t have to do. You can do anything else.

3. So here’s the thing about today.

4. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison was 34 when he invented the lightbulb. Don’t forget to #StayFocused.

5. There are only 2 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don’t.

6. When you feel like quitting: find a reason to keep going

7. You wake up every morning and figure out how you’re going to win that day. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

8. Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.

9. Whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. – Friedrich Nietzsche

10. A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

11. “Remember there’s no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.” -Richard Bach

12. Nothing is impossible, the word itself says

13. College is about building your future. So, get out there and get to work. Don’t get stuck inside studying for all four years of college. That’ll be useless in about five years anyways.

14. Graduation is just the beginning. Now, take your talents and skills into the real world! Make it happen!

15. School may be hard, but working for our favorite coffee brand will be even harder.  So Stay Grounded ✌️☕️

16. Have fun, but stay focused. The world is out there waiting‼️

17. But if you walk out that door, don’t look back because I won’t be standing here waiting.

18. Life is an adventure, but not an excuse.

19. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way, you’re right.

20. Be bold and daring, for fortune favors the brave.

21. A few weeks ago I was thinking about my personal visual brand and the idea of being a work in progress, finding my niche, or just knowing what I didn’t want to be.  I kept asking myself “Who am I

22. Overly optimistic and easily bored, we find chaos and disarray to be far more fun than cleanliness and order.

23. Life is short so eat dessert first.

24. There is a 5-year gap between how long you want to live and how long you actually live. – Varda Epstein

25. Do not fear failure. Behind every failure is an option … a lesson, a new idea. #MondayMotivation

26. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

27. You may not fall in love with the college, but the college will fall in love with you.

28. A note from a professor to a student: “I’m not throwing away your paper, but I am putting it in the recycling bin. Think about what you’re doing, young man.”

29. Being young is the one time in life you get to be reckless, make mistakes, learn hard lessons about who you are and what your place in this world is…

30. “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” –Mark Twain

31. When the teacher asks you, “Hey, it’s just a theory” and you shoot back with, “Yeah, but so is gravity!” #goodluck #willingtogiveitashot

32. Just when the caterpillars thought the trees were trees, they became umbrellas. quoted from

33. “The person who says they have nothing to show for their life is the person with the biggest regrets. Learn from your mistakes and start creating memories that will outlive you.”

34. You have to live now, not some other time. It is the only moment available to you… To do something just because you want to is really an incredibly liberating thing. -Liz Smith

35. “I don’t trust a person who doesn’t love pizza. The only thing that can satisfy them is fasting, and I don’t think God meant for us to fast.” @ComedienneTrish

36. Want to be successful? Get out of bed.” – Mark Twain

37. The best kind of education is self-education.

38. I wear my learning like a necktie, loose, so it can breathe. -Mark Twain

39. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. -Dale Carnegie

40. Whether you go or not, you will be changed by it.

41. No one is born knowing how to meditate. It’s a learned skill. Just like anything else in life, practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you get at meditating.

42. To be a successful college student, choose a major you love, study hard—and party harder.

43. College, man. It’s hard. But just remember that you’re lucky to be around all these other smart people who believe they can change the world. So, don’t be a douchebag.

44. Getting back into the groove of school this week! I hope your weekend was filled with all of the wonderful things that make a college great, like frisbee golf. #quotestoliveby

45. Dream Big scare quotes

46. Get a new attitude. Change your life.

47. The first step is to sell out.

Funny Quotes for Students in College

48. Coffee is proof that you can turn bad things into good things. – Chandler Bing

49. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? – The Breakfast Club

50. In this house we believe no dream is big enough if it doesn’t scare you a little. -David Nightingale

51. Things to keep in mind…

52. Minimalism is the new black

53. Don’t wait to be successful, success is a choice. Nobody is going to hand you anything. -Unknown

54. It’s not the mountain ahead that wears you down, it’s the grain of sand in your shoe ~ Robert W. Service

55. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”-Jim Rohn

56. College is a time for personal growth and great memories! Cherish it!

57. From watching all your friends on social media to feel like you don’t fit in, here are the best quotes about college to help you through it.

58. Three out of four college students don’t do homework. The one who does will get a better job after graduation.

59. For all the years you spent in college, if it didn’t teach you to enjoy high school, you wasted your time.

60. Working hard in college is like pulling a carrot out of the ground; harder than it looks and unsatisfying when you get it out. 😒

61. It’s our last semester—the one time when we can wear Chuck Taylors without being questioned by the professor. Enjoy it while it lasts, kiddos!

62. When that professor tells you to enjoy summer while you can, you can wear this hat out loud. 😁

63. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.

64. “Let your smile change the world but never let the world change your smile.” – Maya Angelou

65. You will wake up every day at 7:45.

66. Every problem may look like a nail if you hold it in the right way.

67. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein

68. Turning back the clock is for genies, not us. Be yourself; everyone else is taken.

69. The world is your oyster. But remember, pearls are found in the ocean, not on it. 😜

70. Do what you love, love what you do.

71. Starting college means starting something new, so why not start today? 😲

72. Best wishes for a happy and successful school year! #gradschool

73. College is the time to recall all those sad sad songs you can’t believe were written by people less than half your age.

74. Times are tough, but it’s gonna take more than an economy to bring down this college student.

75. 1. Freshman 15: Yo, if you took a shower and your phone blew up at the same time, would you notice? 😏

76. Your mailman is not your therapist, your horse is not your dancing partner, and your fridge is not where I keep my valentines.

77. I’m not saying you have to be like me, but hey, I don’t see anyone else around. 😎

78. With half the fun in making up the rules, you never know what you’ll end up with. All that matters is that it works!

79. Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect

80. One day you’ll look back on all the things you did today, and you’ll laugh at yourself for being so busy.

81. Life’s a journey, not a destination. The mess that you made today will be a story that you will tell tomorrow.

82. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. – Dr. Charles R. Swindoll

83. Today, I will love myself more than I did yesterday, and do more of what makes me happy.

84. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur.

85. College is truly where memories are made.

86. Hey college students, did you remember your textbooks today?

87. Good and fast and cheap. You can pick two.

88. Despite the cost of tuition, room & board, and our student debt—we are so #blessed.

89. Doesn’t it make you want to do things like building your own future and thinking big and having fun and traveling and looking good while doing all that?

90. Success is where hard work and luck meet. -Daniel J. Foley

91. Can’t plan your future, but you can plant seeds to help it grow. Nurture the dreams tucked deep in your heart, and don’t be afraid to explore new ideas. There’s no time for regrets, so start where you are and

92. “I will make this work.”

93. If you take your time to try and do things in your spare time, you’re never going to have much free time.

94. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t. ❤️❤️

Funny Farewell Quotes for College Students

95. “All the voices in your head that you think are you aren’t actually you. They’re just voices.”

96. When your roommate is trying to sleep but you’re like “what-everrrrr” #rarebooks 📚💉✨ #irishproverb

97. If you don’t like it, change it. You’re not a tree ― Jim Larkin

98. It’s easier to stay at the bottom than it is to be great, but the only way you’ll ever touch greatness is if you get out of your comfort zone.

99. College Students: Surprise your roommate by reposting this on your Instagram – “If you don’t like their farts, get two of them.”

100. You are smart. You are talented. You are beautiful. Now get back to studying.”

101. College is time for experimentation, but if you don’t take risks in your wardrobe how will you ever take them in life? It’s not what you learn in college, it’s who you meet.

102. College is tough. Figuring out my purpose is tough. Where do I find all the things for this box?

103. College is hard, but you’re doing the hardest thing there is to do right now—trying to learn how to learn.

104. College is just like riding a bike. Once you learn, it’s easy to do forever.” -Betsy Devos

105. College isn’t a journey, it’s a destination.

106. Go ahead and let that boisterous laugh fly free… Tomorrow is a new day and there’s always time to be what you might have been.

107. Bartenders are like hair stylists. They’re always touching you without asking permission.”

108. Time is flying make the most of it before it’s gone. #Time #Life #InstagramCaptions

109. Never be too afraid to fail… if the worst happens, you can always take up bird watching. – Lucy Maud Montgomery

110. They’re not

111. May you have my day at least once a week.

112. “No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

113. You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma,

114. College quote to reach the whole college, don’t let your future be overanalyzed Friday night party fun plus.

115. College is for learning, but after you reach a certain level, it’s all about making memories and having fun. One More Year Of This!

116. Some days you just have to laugh when your roommate leaves her underwear on the living room floor.

117. College isn’t what you learn. It’s who you meet. You can read about history, but until you learn from someone who lived it, that knowledge is useless 👀

118. Let me know when you’re ready to put your permission slips in for field trips. #sassy

119. Living in a college town, you can see a seedier side of life. But it also exposes you to so many different people and places that you wouldn’t have been able to encounter elsewhere – you have to have an open mind – the

120. Being an adult is awesome. I’ve stopped checking what time it is after-parties and started checking what time I have to be up for work the next day.

121. Wish I’d found out about this before I wasted all that money on architecture school.

122. Good friends are hard to come by, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

123. “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” – E.E. Cummings

124. I will never understand how students today with class and work can manage to pull off a perfect winged eyeliner 🖤😧😒

125. Never be afraid to pursue your dreams, for they won’t ever leave you. And once you stop dreaming, it’s over.

126. I took a guitar lesson and learnt the chords A minor and E minor. I went home and put them together and composed a tune called “Sweet Home Alabama”, which has been a huge hit Down South.

127. Sometimes eating the same thing every day makes you really crave variety.

128. One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interest.”

129. College is a great time in your life and you will meet some of the most important people in your future.

130. College is great. You can experience new things, meet new people, have new experiences. That’s the short way of saying it. The long way is that College is weird, but it makes you who you are now. It may be hard because

131. Get your university on! We’re going school shopping 📚🎓👍😋

132. Being a freshman is scary, but there are ways to make it better.

133. Be the person that everyone else wishes they were. 😎

134. If you’re reading this in a coffee shop, please order something.

135. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. No matter how old you get, you’re always allowed to have fun.

136. Don’t just get out there. Dive out there.

137. If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It. -Walt Disney

138. Dorm life is full of firsts—your first meal made in the communal kitchen, first boozy evening with friends, first time spotting a mouse. Go ahead, start this one off with a hello 👋🏻

139. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

140. Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.

141. Baseball isn’t 90% mental—the other half is physical. – Yogi Berra

Funny Quotes About College Students

142. Be part of the #GreenScreenChallenge. Take a picture at your school administration building while wearing an eco-friendly costume. Then post it to social media with the hashtags #GreenScreenChallenge and #ThankYourSchool!

143. College is the best time of your life. A time of meeting new people, maturing, and doing things you never imagined you’d be able to do…but most importantly, it’s a time to drink alcohol. It takes $0.02

144. We’ve all made mistakes in college, but it’s not too late to start fresh next semester.

145. Similar to the way an old man yearns for his youth and his mother (like myself) yearns for her dog, I yearn for college.

146. Bold flavors that pack a punch. Fall into the flavor explosion that is Uppercut Deluxe’s new flavor, Jalapeño-Lime Punch.

147. Your favorite hobby shouldn’t be Snapchat.

148. There are incredible things in store for the two of us. I mean three of us. We’re having a baby.

149. When the going gets tough, the tough turn into Netflix and Chilled Beers.

150. Never forget your math textbook—or your calculator!

151. My therapist said ‘You’re screwed up.’ I said ‘That’s good. I mean, that’s not good, but… it means that if I change, I have a chance to be normal

152. These people are the only reason I still go to the gym.

153. Stressed is dictated by what you can’t do, so I think it’s best to ask yourself if there are some things you can’t do today, or better yet, some things you won’t be doing! Here’s to no more ”

154. Better to be a nerd than one of the herd.

155. Let’s learn how to gain knowledge, respect oneself, live with much love, and much more.

156. If we can’t change our circumstances, we can change our thoughts. We can choose to be happy and make the best out of every situation.”

157. “If college web design courses were like real life, creating a blog post would be as easy as, and finding hosting would be as seamless as”

158. SOMA studied the best college student quotes to find out what truly inspires them…and you. From grade-winning humor to words of wisdom, here’s what they found:

159. College is about more than studying. It’s about learning how you can have fun while living your best life.

160. One more year down 👌 #NeverGraduateSchoolStr8

161. Your 20s are about figuring out who you are at your core. Enjoy the journey…remember who you are, what excites you, and let nothing hold you back.

162. “Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.” ~ Marilyn Monroe

163. Different things make us different, but the things that make us similar are what really connect us.

164. One thing money can’t buy: the appreciation of love after you’ve lost it.

165. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou

166. It’s never too late to do anything you want.  –Gerty Cori

167. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The only thing you can count on is yourself.

168. We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.

169. “You can only live once—but if you do it right, once is enough.”

170. A wise man once said party… Then study, then sleep.

171. If you’re going through hell, just keep on walking. #inspirationalquotes

172. Never let college make you feel old. If you don’t, it won’t! Go out with your friends whenever you like and never ever feel like the mother is watching you 😎

173. College students prepare daily 8 am to 10 pm…

174. Wish you all the best dude. And hopefully, you get into some good colleges that actually care about your happiness rather than your parents’ balance sheet.

175. “The difficult part isn’t going to college – it’s leaving home.”

176. This is what happens when college students try to make brownies 😂

177. You can do it. You are capable. You are strong. You are smart. You are talented.

178. You don’t have to go to a special school to learn special stuff.

179. “So many books, so little time.” – Frank Zappa

180. Life is full of opportunities and choices.

181. Cheesy but true.

182. We’ve been young once. But there ever has been a time when we were old.

183. “Shirts aren’t legit until they wear a collard and a bowtie and still look cool and collected and dope.”_ Fonzworth Bentley

184. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

185. Be the change you wish to see in the world. ― Mahatma Gandhi

186. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

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