80+ Deep Shower Thoughts That Will Blow Your Mind

Deep Shower Thoughts

Deep Shower Thoughts


Deep Shower Thoughts


Deep Shower thoughts: Deep Shower thoughts are usually more powerful if there is a conservative, comforting (or aspirational) surface narrative.

Have you ever had one of those “deep shower thoughts”? These are the kinds of thoughts that come to us in the shower or late at night when our minds wander. The thoughts awaken us from our slumber and cause us to look at life from a different perspective. I think best in the shower, so I’m susceptible to have intense shower thoughts. In reality, these deep reflections have prompted me to not only learn more about myself but also to mature as an individual in various aspects of my life.

Most thoughts aren’t new, they just get recycled. Taking a shower is a great way to start recycling your deep thoughts. Thinking is really useful at work vs. for personal problems, because it’s generally easier to see how ideas apply to personal problems. With work, we often just have to go with our gut.

What do you think about it while you’re in the shower? What kinds of deep thoughts are triggered by hot water? While I’m sure many will enjoy it, most people don’t take showers to think. Showers should be used for washing, not for deliberate thought or critical thinking. You’re usually trying to rinse off shampoo or soap while you’re under the spray.

Have you ever had a deep shower thought? You know those moments when you’re in the shower and the water drips on your life-changing epiphany brain? You’re not on your own. Other deep shower thoughts on the subject are mentioned below.


  • Something particularly inspired feels a finite number of steps away from the most simple, straightforward implementation.


  • Some truths don’t need to be spoken.


  • The universe is made of an infinite combination of possibilities


  • I wonder how many cents are on the ground.


  • Deep thoughts are overrated vs surface-level thinking. Something particularly inspired feels a finite number of steps away from the most simple, straightforward implementation.


  • If you could see all the thoughts in people’s heads when they are dead, everyone would look very similar.


  • the “why can’t I” mindset leads to no results, the “how could I” mindset leads to many results


  • People want to feel that way where they are having a conversation with two people and you just didn’t notice and they wanted to be there.


  • Religion and meditation are very similar. In both, you focus on something else entirely out of reach. While there, you surrender to some intangible forces that are omnipresent.


  • Deep thoughts make a circle in your head.


  • Thinking about TV shows doesn’t make me more clever.


  • Change your state of mind and succeed at doing so.



  • A lot of our thoughts are sparked by things we see in random places.


  • Nothing is better than alone time for deep thinking.


  • I wonder if there is “deep interview fatigue” in the world.


  • The person in the shower next to me could be the next Bill Gates.


  • How much time did humans spend thinking… about things that don’t change anything.


  • No matter how dark things get, you’re still alive.


  • Some things are so bad that they’re almost good.


  • Coding a lot has the effect of strengthening your pattern recognition.


  • Anxiety is a form of ambivalence.


  • What if you have never had an original thought in your life?


  • If we worry about making a mistake, then we have already made one.


  • Sometimes the things that have the greatest effect on you when you are young are the same things that do not affect you at all when you are in your thirties because they seem so obvious.


  • If my music career had worked out (and it might yet!) I’d be living a lifestyle of leisure and privilege with nothing to fill the day except for great food, literature, and creativity.


  • Sometimes it’s best to go with an acquired taste.


  • After you’ve added a bunch of fluff, the only excess is often the core.


  • Deep thoughts should not be shared with everyone, they are like a diamond, and people are like the value of sand.


  • I wonder if people love things more when people want them less.


  • Sometimes you are glad that you don’t remember certain past events because they would change how you look at the world today.


  • People always fall in love with the idea of creating something, not the actual act of creation.


  • Always have a plan for where to put your keys.


  • Everything is a decision, nothing happens for free.


  • The days we live, are not the years we give.


  • The room for deep thoughts increases over time. The deeper the thoughts, the more room you need to think them.


  • When you pull away out of fear, sometimes new thoughts get unlocked in the back of your head suddenly.


  • Having a deep conversation with a stranger is harder than with a friend.


  • You can’t avoid being in deep waters without floating.


  • Perhaps the deepest question I could ask myself is: What do you want me to do?


  • Life is a continual stream of minor annoyances.


  • In human experience, I do not believe that anything is ever meaningless.


  • Philosophy is a virus.


  • Deep means that the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.


  • The better your questions are, the more likely you will get good insights


  • Maybe I don’t want self-driving cars.


  • Sometimes the best way to figure out how something works is to take it apart.


  • I don’t care that much about what other people think of me. I only care about what I think of myself.


  • I need to find meaning in my life.


  • Life is better when you are doing things that you enjoy.


  • I wonder what would happen if I left all my social media accounts and never looked back


  • Why does the universe exist? Does it have a purpose?


  • So deep it almost hurt.


  • You can’t fight deep with shallow


  • There are moments when you look up and your life is going in the right direction.


  • Philosophy is a way out of the human condition, it allows you to escape the humdrum of everyday life by focussing on a higher purpose.


  • Never take life for granted.


  • Sometimes your perceived limitations keep you from doing things you are not aware that you can’t do.


  • When I was young, I thought life would make much more sense when I got older. Now that I’m older, it’s like… I’ve still failed to grasp the most simple things that happen


  • Deep thoughts: Sometimes, you just get lucky.


  • … we are all in this together … deepness.


  • If you want to be more empathic, try to keep a gratitude journal.


  • You’re not truly alive unless you can feel deep pain.


  • What if we don’t need a passion to express our desire for God? What if we need this desire for God to show our passion?


  • Emotions are like temperatures. The hotter the emotion, the shorter it lasts. I wonder about how many people had to die before we could send a text.


  • I wonder what shower thought if I had fifteen minutes to shower?


  • The shower radio is a genius product. Don’t shower without one.


  • If we’re all connected, what is it that makes us different?


  • Loneliness is when you’re with others, and you don’t feel a part of it.


  • The story we like to tell ourselves about who we are shapes who we become.


  • There’s a gap between what you know about yourself and what others can figure out about you.


  • Instead of hoping to live longer, why don’t we spend more time appreciating and enjoying every second we are alive.


  • It’s too bad that we’re devoting more time to dreaming than to do.


  • if you think something is true, you don’t have to ask anyone else.


  • When all you see is the tip of a tree, see it for what it is not for what you want it to be.


  • Life is a bit like driving a car. When you drive, you don’t look beyond the next corner but if you go too slowly, the world will pass you by.


  • Someday the world will be perfect. (I hope!)


  • ​Deep thoughts are on the deeper topic and also small.


  • The emergence of the universe is more profound than the depth of my thoughts.


  • Sometimes I can’t stop thinking about a problem, even after working on it for days. Why?


  • Sharing your vulnerability with others can make you feel safer and less alone.


  • Deep thinkers are overrated—most philosophical problems are very simple. Almost all problems and answers can be found in childhood or the animal kingdom.


  • Deep questions start shallowly.


  • if you think less, your mind will be more focused.


  • Think about the time you look back at where you are now.


  • I’m always learning something about myself — even from my mistakes.


  • I might be an atheist, but I do believe in the God of Hangovers.


  • I should switch jobs more often.


  • I better go find something deep to write


  • There’re so many things that we can do instead of thinking.


  • Who knows the most about you in the whole world?


  • what would you do if you weren’t afraid?


  • Think past the whiteboard.


  • Eventually, your brain thinks in symbols.


  • I wonder what is on the other side of this shower curtain…


  • There is always something that you still don’t know and something that you still don’t understand.


  • Makes me feel less alone to see other people struggling and afraid, at least I’m not the only one. That doesn’t make them evil. Just struggling with things.


  • Do you think that many people go about life with a bit of an ulterior motive?


  • What becomes a habit tends to be what you are seen doing often.


  • To find your truth, follow your curiosity.


  • You don’t have to understand something for it to be useful.


  • I wish I could read and write faster.


  • Do you make your luck or does it just seem that way?


  • Occasionally, in the shower, I feel like I’m going to die.


  • I realize my brain isn’t a single entity.


  • I depict it as one because that’s how I understand, but it’s several competing factions.


  • It hurts to be rejected, but nothing sucks more than not having something to do.


  • The reason I don’t ask others for help is exactly that I think it’s going to make me vulnerable.


  • Memories are the recollections of perception.


  • The universe obeys rules not just laws.


  • Your mind is an energy faucet that runs in one direction.


  • Even if you live your life for no one, you still live your life.


  • Most of the best things in life are free.


  • When you are speaking and thinking deeply but no one around is getting it.


  • Strong feelings can obscure your true desires.


  • My friends have often asked, “What is the meaning of life?” I say: Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you’re gonna get.


  • Your mind is powerful. It can make your dreams a reality.


  • I wonder if it’s possible to create art without ever using your hands


  • We’re not camping under the stars.


  • Everyone has thoughts that they’d never share with anyone, but at times they need to be shared.


  • When you spend time worrying about expenses, that is when you’re not maximizing your life.

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