Top 80+ Baby Shower Thoughtful Sayings



Baby Shower Thoughtful Sayings

Baby Shower Thoughtful Sayings: There’s a reason why it’s called a shower and not a ceremony. Baby showers are there so that the parents-to-be can be showered with thoughtful presents from friends and relatives. If you haven’t been invited yet to a baby shower, I hope these cute (and clever!) baby shower sayings will help to inspire the perfect gift for your friend or relative.

It’s essential to recognize that a baby shower is a special occasion and expresses your appreciation for being a part of it but avoid flowery, obedient language. It’s important to recognize that a baby shower is a special occasion and expresses your appreciation for being a part of it but avoid flowery, obedient language.

Here are a few efficient baby shower thoughtful sayings that sound profound but are facile and easy to remember. Memorize one or more of these intelligent baby shower thoughtful sayings; you’ll be surprised at how smoothly these profound-sounding bon mots roll off your tongue.


  • If you’re a man, you’ll never have to think about baby shower gift ideas.


  • If you have a baby shower, then you better end up with a baby.


  • Thoughtfulness is better when it’s simple; otherwise, it shows a lack of empathy.


  • Babies are small versions of adults.


  • We don’t see babies as tiny humans on their own but as magic extensions of us.


  • Babies don’t grow overnight; you have to feed them for 9 months before they become something.


  • Shower thoughts are like the teenage brain. They keep coming if you let them.


  • New parents have to remind themselves that the baby is not a pet. Kids need boundaries and rules.


  • Let your baby cry it out, but don’t let your head out.


  • Don’t say “it’s nothing!” because it implies that you think you’re worth nothing, which is something.


  • There’s nothing wrong with going back to the beginning.


  • I randomly think of thoughtful baby shower sayings.


  • It’s surprising how often baby showers turn into thoughtful sayings.


  • If I had a baby shower, I would want sayings more thoughtful than “It’s a boy.”


  • Our babies are gateways to a happier past and a brighter future.


  • Many babies are named for things they can do or are named because they remind a parent of another person or place.


  • I have sudden thoughts about death and disfigurement.


  • More thoughtful sayings for those huge baby showers.


  • You can’t appreciate a baby shower thought unless you hear the craziness in my head.


  • When you have a baby shower for your baby, it means that the baby doesn’t know what a shower is.


  • Some mothers-in-law aren’t meant to have grandkids.


  • Kids can be a blessing to older people.


  • If you expect nothing from others, you get abandoned less.


  • I want to see the baby shower thoughts of kids.


  • A few things I’ll remember from baby showers.


  • We’re all just children in adult bodies.


  • Think about it.


  • If you don’t communicate much, you might assume that people know what you are thinking … This is dangerous.


  • Don’t drink the water from a public faucet.


  • Baby shower invites are like baby announcements.


  • I wonder how a baby looks when it’s scared?


  • Everybody is still a baby, and they are all hungry.


  • Meta-thought: when I do public speaking, I’d like to have a standard intro that people can expect.


  • Maybe I’m too busy to think of things to say.


  • Being a parent is a little like paying for your parents’ mortgage.


  • Baby showers are now just delivery rooms for gifts.


  • Reading books is like reliving a shower of a random thought but in written format.


  • Feedback is an awkward way to show appreciation.


  • Why is it that babies can cry for the first couple of years of their life but then suddenly outgrow the need to do so?


  • If you didn’t get the humor above, then you probably don’t need to read this post.


  • Baby shower invitations should give the gender but not the due date.


  • When babies are first born, you only touch their hands, back, and feet. Maybe we can take a cue from this and learn to love our edges.


  • The best way to be an excellent parent is to have an awesome childhood.


  • A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.


  • No one likes a baby shower. It would be a massacre in the street!


  • Babies cry when they don’t feel understood.


  • Not protecting yourself, not shutting out the world, not minimizing vulnerability is a sign of maturity.


  • The moment a group of people starts to think alike is when the original thinkers are no longer needed.


  • When babies are born, they take after the father. But if breastfed, they take on characteristics of the mother for the first few years.


  • It’s not what you leave behind; it’s what you had a chance to try and did not, and never will.


  • When you’re hard at work on the important stuff, you should get pregnant and throw a baby shower thoughtful sayings.


  • Having babies is like having a party.


  • If shower thought is the bathroom stall literature, someone published a book of poetry about sadness.


  • Not having kids is the best; you give so much less but get so much more in return.


  • Parenthood forces you to choose your path of the good enough.


  • You can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself.


  • “I couldn’t write, so I wrote it backward.”


  • Maybe everyone should have a baby shower before they reach 25.


  • Smiling makes me happy, but it can also make others happy.


  • A great question is like a door you haven’t noticed, waiting to be opened.


  • You’re making life easy in the wrong ways for people who don’t need it.


  • All humans are the same; their languages use different words.


  • It’s good to re-read a book that you loved as a kid.


  • The difference between a shower thought, and a baby shower thoughtful saying is the tone.


  • It’s OK to question the futility of shower thoughts.


  • Pretty much everything in life is faster than you think, except babies.


  • When opening gifts, it’s polite to pretend you like them.


  • Maybe your thoughts are supposed to be nonsensical. Why is that a bad thing?


  • Being a parent crosses social boundaries.


  • Every parent should be expected to be a hero; there shouldn’t be an “option” for them not to be.


  • Baby shower thoughtful sayings are based on too-rapid brain connections.


  • If I were a baby shower, I’d be a thoughtful saying.


  • I wonder if there are uncomfortable babies or if all babies are comfortable?


  • Care in the intensity of our love and relationship with God.


  • The things you say to bosses under your breath…


  • People warm up more to you when they see you are vulnerable.


  • When your IQ rises above room temperature, you develop consternation about the future—time to be nervous.


  • Baby shower thoughtful sayings are based on emotions. They inspire those who receive and give. They have value.


  • Sometimes baby showers are just about the number of people that can fit in a house.


  • Sometimes you think the most exciting thoughts in the shower.


  • I wonder what babies think when they are sitting in the bouncy seats.


  • Children are so innocent that you can tell them practically anything, and they’ll believe it.


  • Maybe “having it all” is just a function of permitting yourself to make tradeoffs you would usually never make.


  • I would be careful sharing my most original ideas with others if I didn’t feel like they understood my mission.


  • I know I’m going to ask one day.


  • The baby truth out of the way, and a baby shower is always more intimate than a party.


  • Nothing is more amazing than a mother’s love for her child.


  • If you judge people, you have no time to love them.


  • When people use thoughts to make up for what they lack in knowledge and skills, they’re not using thoughts to their full potential.


  • The people I am closest with are the ones who know me best.


  • People who act like they don’t need others aren’t being honest.


  • We were thinking about the (shower) thoughts the thought had made us believe those thoughts we’re having while considering them.


  • If I had a dollar for every time, I acted like a baby in a relationship.


  • A baby is considered a blessing from God. I wonder if Donald Trump considers himself a gift from the dead to humankind.


  • Maybe good moms are those who didn’t become the people they would have hated as daughters.


  • Babies are miniature hustlers looking to explore the world.


  • Babies are like adults who have everything turned off.


  • Stuff thoughtfully said is worth more than stuff thoughtlessly said.


  • I’m not too fond of it when people ask me questions while I’m speaking.


  • There is a difference between doing what is necessary and what one wants to do.


  • The best way to pump others up is to be pumped yourself.


  • You were seeing a pile of baby clothes in your parent’s home and realizing that you’re next.


  • Even babies have secrets.


  • The shower act is a strange ritual.


  • Developing a line of thought takes time and patience.


  • We all need to say a little less and listen a little more.


  • When I was born, my eyes were already open – and they were on my father.


  • Baby showers can be uncomfortable for the pregnant woman because she gets to see her friends and family with their eyes off her belly.


  • No bubble bath thoughts


  • I love the smell of newborn baby smells in the morning.


  • Tender companionship and soft words are the essences of romance.


  • There are only 2 kinds of people, those who have been to a baby shower and those who haven’t.


  • I wish I were that baby.


  • Love is like a shower; it hits you when you least expect it.


  • There’s a reason for shower curtains to existing.


  • I don’t fully understand how I can be a better person if I’m trying to be more like those who are willing to be vulnerable.


  • People are generous when what they give away almost or hasn’t cost them much.


  • It’s fun to make friends with a baby. You do the same things at about the same age, and you tend to have the same memories of family events.


  • I’m getting too old to have babies.


  • When the noise has died down, feeling a new baby kicking in your belly is like the first star you see at night.


  • The magic of thinking is that it spans the divide between what is and what can be.


  • I wish I had more time to do all the things that I want.


  • Do you know what your problem is? You’ve gotten too used to hearing people sound smart.


  • Why is it so hard to listen instead of waiting for our turn to say something?


  • Life is short. Be educated as much as you can because you never know how long it will last.


  • When have I decided that being right matters more than being happy?


  • I don’t need to prove that I am a good person; I need to be one.


  • Everyone has thoughts: meaning they are not all random.


  • Most people are good, and their more dark thoughts are abstract.


  • It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.


  • Some early ideas are just placeholders.


  • If you don’t ask, it’s not a failure.


  • I keep my showers short to prevent random thoughts.


  • So many of our days are spent having the mindset of “I’m not good enough.” Why do we accept this?


  • There’s a big difference between being an optimist and being optimistic.


  • Wanting it to happen is not as powerful as actually making it happen.


  • People are far more willing to help than you think.


  • We think babies are stupid because, when we were 2 years old, our competence was directly proportional to the amount of information we had.


  • It’s like a baby shower: The harder you try to give happiness away, the less you have.


  • Being a parent makes you more creative.


  • I once read about a dad who froze his sperm if he didn’t have enough time to father kids in the future. I think it’s frowned upon unless you’re in a relationship that precludes.


  • Children sleep well because it’s boring. I have a hard time sleeping because the brain never stops thinking and creating new ideas.


  • I like the idea of the subconscious as a firefly trapped in your skull.


  • It is a shame we celebrate weddings and not babies.


  • Childbirth is expensive motherhood is not.


  • The thought of your kid drowning is what makes you learn to swim.


  • There is no animal sadder than a succulent in your shower.


  • Some have the potential to do good for others, and it is our own choice that determines whether to act on that potential.


  • Babies are the banalest thing in the world, but it’s how they are best remembered.


  • Some of our thoughts are just remnants of conversations we think back to.


  • The people who are supposed to shower you with attention are often the same ones that tune you out.


  • Babies start as deaf, blind, and dumb. But then they develop into full-grown humans.


  • Advice is very well-meant.


  • Having a huge family is excellent if you’re a house.


  • Every parent thinks their baby is the most beautiful in the world, and they are right.


  • Just because you can’t put what is happening into words doesn’t mean it isn’t infinitely precious and worth cherishing.


  • When a girl gets pregnant, her body doesn’t need vitamins. It needs condoms.


  • Babies didn’t use to be born the day they are held today, but when doctors realized they could save lives by doing it earlier, it became a new standard of care.

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